Sunday, June 24, 2012

Estate Planning

Estate Planning or as we like to call it “After Life Planning” has two basic characteristics vie;

Most Critical Area
Most Ignored Area

No one even likes to think about this area; it’s unpleasant and who wants to even imagine the end of life!
Besides many feel that this is just for the rich, super wealthy type of people. Basically if you earn something and you have created some asset estate planning is meant for you. Your estate is all the wealth that you possess; car, house, jewellery, bank accounts, Mutual Fund’s, shares, antiques, collectibles …everything you own.

You want to make sure that it is handled well after you and that it goes into the right hands; it is distributed to your loved ones or to whomsoever you decide.

Do it yourself:

If the above holds true for you then the process is very simple. You can start right now; pick up a paper and pen and simply write down what you would like to give whom. This is your Will. There is nothing right or wrong about it; it does not need to have iron clad legal language etc. A simple wish list of who should get what signed by two witnesses should do for starters.

Let us guide you:

There are 3 fundamental things we like to do when we undertake Estate Planning assignment for any family.
1. Detailed interaction:
We note down things you want as well as make you aware of many things that might not be directly obvious. We make your draft Will followed by many rounds if needed to finalise the Will document.
2. Start the Estate Consolidation & Transfer process right away:
3. Bypass legal issues:
In doing the above we essentially like to do this where we bypass any legal bottlenecks. If you die with a Will your family will most likely need a probate to execute the Will. If you die without a Will your family will need a succession certificate.

Then it is important to understand the popular options you have for distribution of your wealth / assets;

Joint Holdings
Writing a Will
Family Agreements
Memorandum of Understanding
Memorandum of Settlement
Creating a trust
Creating a family company

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